Three WWI Poems
This animated short brings three war poems to life with innovative puppetry and animation work, each vignette sharing a different experience of “the war to end all wars” from a soldier’s point of view: John McCrae’s “In Flanders Fields,” Edward Thomas’s “The Owl,” and Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est.” The Poetry Foundation and Manual Cinema present this animated short to bring these relevant poems to life.
Produced by
Produced by Poetry Foundation
Created by Manual Cinema
Directed by Drew Dir
Featured Poems
Edward Thomas’s “The Owl”
Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est”
John McCrae’s “In Flanders Fields.”
Music and Sound Design by Ben Kauffman and Kyle Vegter
Narrated by Sean Garratt
Music Recorded and Mixed by Nick Broste
Mastered by Kyle Vegter
Amanda Bailey (violin)
Zachary Good (clarinets)
Myra Hinrichs (violin)
Samuel Johnson (trumpet)
Ryan Nyther (trumpet)
Nick Broste (trombone )
Will Russell (tuba)
David Scholl (bass)
Becca Wilcox (viola)
Katherine Young (bassoon)
Paper-cut Puppets and Sets by Drew Dir
Animation and Graphic Art by Lizi Breit
Owl Puppet by Sam Deutsch
Director of Photography Andrew J. Morgan
WWI Historian and Consultant Steven Trout
Visual Interns Jeffrey Katz and Skye Murie
Lizi Breit
Sam Deutsch
Drew Dir
Sarah Fornace
Julia Miller