Manual Cinema's Patreon
We're thrilled to announce that we've launched our very own Patreon page! We want to continue making all imaginative art you know and love in a sustainable fashion. That’s where Patreon comes in. With regular monthly support from our patrons, we’ll have more freedom to develop the original work we’re passionate about; the projects that truly make us Manual Cinema.
By becoming a patron you'll get: behind-the-scenes access to our process, sneak peeks at upcoming projects, virtual studio visits, a puppet and sound of the month, and you’ll even be able to join special Q+A’s with us, the Artistic Directors. All of these benefits are 🚨EXCLUSIVE🚨 to Patreon supporters!
Click HERE to become a Patron Today!
Naiche L Adler
Mark Augustine
Laura B
Erik Bartlett
Rick Berman
Kim Bialkoski
Sarah Carleton
Phil Caruso
Bay Chang
Ruth Clark
Paula M Cohen
Steven Cousler
Rod and Lisa Dir
Caitlin Doughty
Andy Digerness
Joe Dempsey
Peggy Ellen Fussell
Derek Haffar
Paul Harmon
Rachel Jaffe
Karen Janas
Kathleen Judge
Do Kim
Mary M Kirby
Mary Robinette Kowal
Tom Krueger
SJ Kurtz
Zoë Lappin
Annabel Lee
Kristine Lee
Patrick M
Barry Madore
Marilee Mahler
Chase Massingill
Aileen McGroddy
Joy Meads
Brent Medling
Steve Meyer
Sarah Miller
Jesse Njus
Arvin Nooshi
Sharyn November
Emmalee Pearson
Patricia Sarver
Gesi Schilling
D.D. Sherinnford
Larry Sides
Magnum Alexandre Soares
Jon Stevens
Holly H Stratford
Mišo Suchý
Inan Du Swami
Dawn and Athena Swartz
Scott Sweatt
AnnMarie Thomas
Blair Thomas
Jean Turney
Jeff Van Gerwen
Derek Viramontes
Jake Waldron
Chris Wand
Barry Weber
Kristine White
Seth Hunter Williams
Ranee Zaporski