Jan 08–Mar 09

Minneapolis, MN

Jan 25–Feb 16
The Magic City

Chicago, IL

Feb 19
The Magic City

Kalamazoo, MI

Mar 01–Mar 02
The Magic City

Costa Mesa, CA

Mar 28–Apr 06

Washington, D.C.

Ada screenshot 2

On-demand: Ava/Ada Student Excerpt

For educators only. Streaming version of Ada/Ava student matinee (excerpt only, not full show). Students will identify the elements of shadow puppetry (including lighting, silhouette, and sound), learn how the pipe organ works, and relate these concepts to the performance by Manual Cinema and Aaron David Miller.

Presented by Northrop at the University of Minnesota

Available On-demand through March 8.

Purchase here.

Presented by Northrop at the University of Minnesota

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